Menomonie Middle School Announcements
Boys Soccer: There will be a Boys Soccer meeting after school on Thursday in Mr. Lemke’s room, room 728, for half an hour to discuss the upcoming season. If you have any questions see Mr. Lemke or Mr. Nolte.
Self-Care Club: The Self Care Club will be up and running again this year. It will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month during win, in the LMC conference room. The first meeting will be Sept 10th. Come meet new people, play some fun games, build your self-confidence and have some snacks. If you are interested in joining, please see your grade level counselor for a permission slip.
Student Council: Student Council has a new meeting day and time this year! We will meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday from 7:30am- 8:09am in the library. Students returning to Student Council, pick up a pink sheet from Ms. Yonash. New students wanting to join, please pick up a yellow packet in the office. Forms are due September 24 to Mr. Haas or Ms. Yonash. We will have a kick off meeting Thursday, Sept. 5th after school until 3:40pm in the Silver Pod.
Fall Play: Auditions for the MMS Fall Play, Looking Glass Land, begin today after school in the choir room. Students must register to audition. Go to the MMS Drama website to find more information and the registration form. Any questions, see Mrs. Enyeart. Looking glass Land performances will be at the Mabel Tainter in November. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this fantastically fun production!
Word of the Month: Empathy
Quote of the Week: Empathy is about finding the echoes of another person in yourself. – Moshsin Hamid