Daily Announcements - Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Daily Announcements - Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Posted on 11/20/2024

Menomonie Middle School Announcements 

Notes from the Office:  Please remember to send a note with your student if you are picking them up for an appointment or early for the day.  They should bring the note to the office in the morning upon arrival to get a pass to leave class.  We are receiving a lot of last-minute and day of pick-up calls and messages for students which leads to many unnecessary interruptions to class time learning.  If you will be taking your student out of school early for the holiday week, please make sure to notify the office in advance.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Battle of the Books:  Battle of the Books participants, please go to the library following announcements.

Stout Game Expo(SGX):  The UW-Stout Game Design and Development students will be launching their semester games at the semi-annual Stout Game Expo(SGX) on Wednesday, December 11th from 6pm – 9pm in the Great Hall and Ballrooms of the Memorial Student Center.  The campus community and the general public are all welcome to come and play the games!

Lost and Found:  Check out the lost and found table by the office and the gyms this week.  Any items left will be removed from the building after school Friday.

3rd Quarter Sport Sign-Ups:  3rd Quarter Sports sign-ups will be in the cafeteria today through Thursday during lunch this week.  We will be signing up for 6-8 Boys Swim, 7th & 8th Girls Basketball, and 6-8 Wrestling.

Self-Care Club:  We will meet today during Homeroom in room 740.

Word of the Month:  Respect

Quote of the Week:  I would rather be respected than popular.