Menomonie Middle School Announcements
Food Drive: Are you interested in winning donuts for your Homeroom class? The Menomonie High School DECA organization is hosting a canned goods food drive from October 23 – 27th. The Homeroom with the most canned goods will win a donut party for their class.
2nd Quarter Sport Sign Ups: We will be signing up for 2nd quarter sports on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during lunch this week. We will be signing up for 6-8 Girls Swim and 7-8 Boys Basketball. See Ms. Potter with questions.
Trap Shooting: There will be sign ups for the Mustangs Trap Club on Tuesday night at the high school cafeteria from 5pm – 6pm and Thursday night at the middle school cafeteria from 5pm – 6pm. Come on out and find out what the trap club is all about.
Volleyball Tournament: It’s that time again! On Tuesday, October 29th, from 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm join us in the gym for a rockin volleyball tournament! Teams consist of 6-8 people per team and the cost is $3 per player (teams can be mixed gender and grade level). Payments and forms are due to Mr. Haas or Ms. Yonash by Thursday, Oct. 24th.
Unity Week: Thank you for participating in the unity week challenges. The winners are Mrs. Bystol and Mrs. Johnson in6th grade, Mr. Lemke and Mrs. Lausted in 7th grade, Mrs. Brenner and Mrs. Richmond in8th grade.
Fall Sport Photos: The following is the schedule for fall sport pictures. Online order codes are listed. Go to to order. Make sure your athlete has their athletic t-shirt for pictures. We will begin right after school.
Volleyball: Wednesday, October 23rd. Online order code: EVT26JW8D
Word of the Month: Responsibility
Quote of the Week: Responsibility is accepting that you are the cause and the solution of the matter.