Dear Swim Parents/Guardians:
Re: Boys MS Swim, 6th, 7th & 8th grade
We are pleased to have your child participate in the Menomonie Middle School Boys swim program. Swim practice will begin Monday, Jan. 27th with an informational meeting in the cafeteria. Please pick up your student by 3:45 on Monday, Jan. 27th from the Middle School.
Swim practice will begin at the HS pool on Tuesday, Jan. 28th. Practices will be held after school from 3:15-5:00 M-F. Practices are held at the high school pool field house. Students should take their regular bus to the high school; more information on busing will be given out at the first meeting. Our swim season will end approximately on March 14th. A meet schedule will be sent home soon with any additional information.
Students who participate in swim must come prepared; here is what one will need to be successful on the MMS Swim team:
Swimsuit - students will be in the water each day so more than one suit may be recommended.
Swim Cap - swim caps are essential for keeping hair out of your face while you swim.
Goggles - competition goggles are awesome but expensive, make sure you have a pair of swim goggles, facemask goggles do not work.
Towel- may seem obvious, but we want to make sure students are prepared :)
Optional: Lock for locker - Since we share the pool with the High School Swimmers, we also share the locker room. We suggest that students lock their belongings and take EVERYTHING (including the lock) home with them each night. Locks are also important for away meets.
All extracurricular paperwork must be completed and returned before the student will be allowed to actively participate in practice. This paperwork includes a physical, code of conduct form, and emergency contact card. The $50.00 activity fee should be paid as soon as possible with cash or a check. Checks can be made out to Menomonie Middle School and should be taken to the office. If your child has already participated in athletics this year at MMS all paperwork and fee should have been turned in and your child should be ready to go. If payment is a concern please contact Tina Potter, Athletic Coordinator, or Mark Anderson, Assistant Principal.
Thank you,
Coach: Kelsey Kuehnhold,
[email protected]
What you will learn this season:
Parents: If you would like updates throughout our season please list your child’s name and your email address and return with your child to practice to coach Kelsey. I will add you to my email list to send out periodical emails with important updates:
Athlete: .
Parent: .
Parent email: .