6th, 7th & 8th Grade Boys Fall Soccer
We are excited to have your middle school student join us this fall for boys soccer!
Our season will begin on Thursday, September 5th with an informational meeting in the 7th grade Silver pod in room 728 (Mr. Lemkeās), starting at 3:15pm and ending promptly at 3:45pm.
Practice Information:
We will practice each day at the soccer fields next to the middle school from 3:20 - 4:45pm. If there is no school, there is no practice. Cancellations will be communicated via Skyward Alerts as well as our Remind.
Wear appropriate gym clothing (dress for the cold/heat!). You must have shin guards, tall socks and soccer cleats to participate in practice or games. Bring a water bottle!
Please pick your child up promptly from practice at 4:45pm on practice nights.
We do provide soccer balls, but if you would like to bring your own to practice it is your responsibility to keep track of it.
Fees & Paperwork:
All extracurricular paperwork must be completed and returned before the student will be allowed to actively participate in practice. Required paperwork includes the following:
Physical Form (every 2 years)
Code of Conduct (signed, good for 1 year.
Emergency Card (needed for each new sport/activity)
Other required materials include the following:
$50.00 activity fee paid with cash or check
MMS sports T-shirt, $15.00
** These two items are one time payments and are good for the remainder of middle school sports/activities **
If payment for either of these items is a concern please contact Tina Potter, Athletic Coordinator, or Mark Anderson, Assistant Principal.
A competitive game schedule will be sent home on September 11th
Guardians are welcome to take their player after away games with a written permission slip given to one of the coaches.
You must be present at school for the entire day, and in good academic and behavioral standing to participate in games.
Thank you,
Coach Nolte #715-232-1673 ext. 30616
Coach Lemke #715-232-1673 ext. 30728
** Please join our Remind group to receive updates and information throughout the season! Sign-up information is on the back of this page.