Attached is the schedule for Boy's Soccer for the 2024-25 season.
Boys Soccer Schedule - pdf version
Menomonie Middle School
Boys Soccer Schedule
Thursday, Sept. 19th
M2 v Northstar(1) Home 4:00
M1 v Northstar(2) Home 5:00
Monday, Sept. 23
M2v South(1) Away 4:00
M1 v South(2) Away 5:00
Thursday, Sept, 26
M1 v Chippewa Falls(1) - Red Home 4:00
M2 v Chippewa Falls(2) - Black Home 5:00
Monday, Sept. 30
M1 v South(2) Home 4:00
M2 v Altoona Home 5:00
Tuesday, Oct. 1
M2 v Delong(3) Home 4:00
M1 v Regis Home 5:00
Monday, Oct. 7
M2 v Delong(3) Away 4:00
M1 v Northstar(1) Away 4:00
Tuesday, Oct. 8
M1 v South(1) Home 4:00
M2 v Delong(3) Home 5:00
Thursday, Oct. 24
M1 v Chippewa Falls(1) - Red Away 4:30
M2 v Chippewa Falls(2) - Black Away 5:30
Monday, Oct. 28
M2 v Regis Away 4:00
M1 v South(1) Away 5:00
Tuesday, Oct. 29
M1 v Delong(2) Home 4:00
M2 v Chippewa Falls(1) - Red Away 4:30
*Late matches will start approximately 10 minutes after the 1st match ends. 2nd game start time may be adjusted.