MMS Daily Announcements - Thursday, November 5, 2020
Published on Nov 5, 2020 09:32

Click here to view the Middle School Years November issues.

Student Council: 
Please check the Google Classroom for important information.  Deadline for some things are this Friday!


Book Fair:  MMS invites you to shop our Online Book Fair and support our school! The Fair runs from November 2nd- November 15th. Our Fair will feature a Virtual Fair walk-through so you and your kids can experience the magic of the school shopping experience: Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors, and much more! All purchases will benefit our school directly. Thank you for supporting MMS.


Core Value Poster Contest:  The deadline for the core value poster contest has been extended to this Friday.  We have some great entries already but would love to still have more.  Remember to use a regular 8 ½ X 11 piece of paper to represent all 6 of our core values.


Quote of the Week:  Respect other people’s feelings.  It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them. ~ Roy T. Bennett


Word of the Month:  Respect